TIME 7.00pm for 7:30pm.
VENUE Hadlow Manor Hotel, TN11 0JH, is on the
right hand side of the Maidstone Road, going
away from Tonbridge, 0.5 miles past Hadlow.
Main Course:
Pave of Salmon with Herb Crust
Mixed Seasonal Vegetables & potatoes.
Roast Vegetable Quiche (V)
Mixed Seasonal Vegetables & potatoes.
Fresh fruit Salad.
Cheese and Biscuits (C & B).
Coffee/Tea RSVP
SPEAKER: SMUGGLING ON THE SOUTH COAST by Chris McCooey. Aged 68, Chris spent 10 years in the Far East where he met and married his Japanese wife Kumiko before returning to England in 1986 via Berkely School of Journalism, UCLA. While an undergraduate at Oxford he wrote a thesis on Socio-Geographical aspects of illicit trading in Kent in the 18th Century: the subject of this talk on smuggling.
Chris traces the early history of open smuggling back to the illegal export of England's Golden Fleece - the so-called 'owling' of raw wool to the Continent. The violent heyday of smuggling came in the 18th century when heavy taxes on tobacco, tea, brandy and Geneva (gin) made the illegal import of these 'luxuries' very profitable. The second half of the talk is about the notorious Hawkhurst Gang and dispels many delusions - these were not 'honest thieves' but outlaws who protected their lifestyle using intimidation and murder.
When booking, please indicate whether you prefer a vegetarian (V) meal and if you would like cheese and biscuits (C & B) instead of dessert. The choices cannot be made on the night. If you are unsure of your order, the choices you made will be available from Alan Milnes. Alan will also give you a “V” or “C & B” label to display for the benefit of the waiters, if these were your choices.
To book and indicate your choices, which must be done by noon on Monday 29th May, please phone Ian Galletti on 01959 562075 or email [email protected].
Please click on attachment below for copy of leaflet.