Previous Events

Supper Club Meeting

6th October 2017
7.00 for 7.30pm
The Supper Club invite you to join them for an evening at Nizels Golf & Country Club, Nizels Lane, Hildenborough Tonbridge.TN11 8NU. PRICE £20:00 per person. SPEAKER Wilf Lower. During his early life Wilf was surrounded by music hall and variety performers as the family home provided ‘digs’ for ‘pros’ appearing at local theatres. Growing up with the ‘stars’, rising ‘stars’ and a few falling ‘stars’, it was not surprising that he became familiar with ‘the business’. However, he opted for the more ‘respectable’ profession of chartered engineer that evolved into general management. Such managerial skills, combined with a wide background knowledge of the entertainment industry, resulted in his joining BBC Television, where for many years – including the so-called ‘golden’ period of the seventies and eighties, he was responsible for Scenic Operations - the scenery, props and other ‘workings’ the shows, essentially everything seen on the screen except the performers, their costumes and make-up! Wilf subsequently set up a consultancy serving the television, film and theatre industries, which included several years as Technical Administrator for the National Theatre on London’s South Bank and will speak of his many experiences working behind the scenes during the golden years of TV. When booking, please indicate if you prefer a vegetarian meal and whether you would like cheese and biscuits instead of dessert. The choice cannot be made on the night. If you are unsure of your order the booking list will be available with Alan Milnes, the Treasurer. To book and indicate your choices, which needs to be by noon on Monday 2nd October, please phone Ian Galletti on 01959 562075 or, preferably send him an email to [email protected]. Please reply by noon, 2nd October at the very latest. Please see attached flyer for more information.